The way we work is changing

Users want to access data from anywhere

Users want access to their data 24 x 7

More internal services are outsourced to the cloud

Digital supply chains are more distributed

More business data than ever is sent beyond your secure network perimeter.

Exposing your valuable outbound data to an ever greater risk of compromise.

Outbound data compromise

DATA THEFT from hackers or insider attacks

DATA THEFT from ransomware or botnets

POISONED application updates

REDIRECTED cloud services data

ZORB protects outbound data from compromise, just as AV is used to protect inbound data

Antivirus protects against inbound data threats

Let ZORB protect against outbound data threats

Simple setup - no technical knowledge required

Hands off - no resource needed to continually maintain rulesets

Automated blocking - no IT intervention

Proactive blocking - eliminates alert fatigue



Zero-trust - untrusted data does not leave the device

Prevent - STOP threats, not simply mitigating the risk

Compliance - easily achieve Cyber Essentials, ISO27001, regulation

Reputation protection - keep data breaches away from your brand

Low entry cost - affordable for any business, regardless of size

Ubiquitous - engineered to scale affordably across all devices

Avoid change - no need to update or replace legacy equipment

Manage your budgets - minimal upkeep impact on your IT staff


From send & hope, to send & know

Start from a DENY ALL stance

Only data flows that pass all THREE crucial checks are transmitted


Has data come from a trusted program?


Is data going to a trusted recipient?


Inline with company policy? e.g. VPN

If it's not trusted, it's not sent
